Make sure your device is allowed access enabled Root (superuser).Root Checker!!Make sure your device is allowed access enabled Root (superuser).See th
Make sure your device is allowed access enabled Root (superuser).
Root Checker!!
Make sure your device is allowed access enabled Root (superuser).
See the location of the su binary and the Super User application version installed on your device.
Make sure you have BusyBox installed and which version.
ATTENTION! This application does not make the process of ROOT on your device. It just checks if your dipositivo or not with ROOT access permission enabled.
Any questions or suggestions, please send us an email.
Before negativar application, send an e-mail and we will be happy to serve you and improve the application in any way possible.
Version 3.01:
Android 7.1.1 suport
Version 3.0:
New Interface
Android N Suport
Add Device Infos
Version 2.0:
Added Super User details
Checking the version of BusyBox
New interface
Option of sending information by e-mail.
Version 1.3:
Fix problem when the device has Super User, but this does not answer.
Version 1.2:
Adjustment for devices that have Super User, but it is not working properly.
Version 1.1:
Added English.
Version 1.0:
Initial version.